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Healing With Hakomi

This past May brought with it the release of a new and comprehensive Hakomi textbook.

Personally and professionally, I am plain old passionate about Hakomi.

Why do I love Hakomi so much?

Hakomi creates an environment that invites deeper parts of both therapist and client to come forward. We learn to sit and tune in to ourselves and to each other. Within this very secure “Hakomi bubble” we find access routes into core material and mindfully study experience.

Two key ingredients for Hakomi are also two of my favourite things: safety and curiousity. Have you ever noticed how curiousity is the opposite of fear?

Your subconscious holds a lot of information; information in shadow. You may want to change but another part of you may not want to change. Turning inward and experientially studying the universe on the inside of your skin brings very rich and essential data; physical sensations, images, memories, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, patterns, missing experiences. Contacting what is present allows you to journey down your own personal rabbit hole into this core material. Your Hakomi therapist acts as guide, companion, and guardian all while paying exquisite attention during your journey inwards; safely assisting you to observe, experience, study, and eventually transform. Together, therapist and client get curious about exiled parts that long to come home.

Helping you to stay curious and not just braced for pain allows you to study your organization of experience and by doing so, change it. Something wants to be known, something wants to come forward.

When you are curious enough, I invite you to study your internal world with a Hakomi therapist. By doing so, you just might transform the way you experience being in the outside world too.

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